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Amazing and Rare Exotic Fruits grown in India

India is land of varies vegetation. Indian climate has wide range of weather conditions across the geographical area of country. Climate and weather changes place to place . South India is more hotter then north India due to the presence of Himalayas mountain range.
India hosts six major climatic sub types, ranging from arid deserts in the west, alpine tundra and glaciers in the north, and humid tropical regions supporting rain forests in the southwest and the island territories.  Hence we have types of vegetables across country.
India's diverse climate ensures availability of all varieties of fresh fruits & vegetables. It ranks second in fruits and vegetables production in the world, after China
India ranks first in production of Bananas (25.7%), Papayas (43.6%) and Mangoes (including mangosteens and guavas) (40.4%).

Fruits and vegetables production in India is increased, so demand of some exotic fruits also in India increased. Most of the exotic fruits we import from Thailand, America, Newzealand, china, Holland, Indonesia, Singapore, Peru, Japan etc
These have a good nutrition value hence demand of these fruits increasing day by day.
But of the people doesn’t know that they also grown in India locally. They are in good quality and fresh quality, they are economical then imported . Now days you can find these in your local markets.
These fruits were not common in Indian but now they made their identity in our market.
But still people are there who hesitate to buy these fruits because lack of information about the fruit like regarding price if fruit, origin taste and most important about its nutrition value.
If consume fruits in our daily meal it will keep my disease away from us 

Here are some fruit which is known locally you will find amazing information about it.

1. Peach

   The fruit has yellow or whitish flesh, a delicate aroma, and a skin that is either velvety (peaches) or smooth (nectarines) in different cultivars. 
There are various heirloom varieties, including the Indian Peach, or Indian Blood Peach, which arrives in the latter part of the summer, and can have color ranging from red and white, to purple. Today, the largest producers of peaches are China, Italy, the US, Spain, Greece and Turkey.

Season : Peaches season starts April to June mid   

Taste and colour : Peach are sweet and little tangy in taste . They are yellowish , whitish and pinkish in colour size of fruit depends on season.

Cultivation in India : Peach are cultivated varies region of India Kashmir Himachal , Uttaranchal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh . 

Benefits of Peaches
1. Packed with nutrients. Peach are rich in vitamin and minerals.
2. Helps in digestion
3. Good for skin
4. Prevention from certain types of  cancer
5. It can boost our immune system.
6. It helps in weight management.
7. Helps in lowering blood sugar.

Way to consume
There are various way to consume the peaches
1. Can eaten raw.
2. Can add to the fruits salads
3. Can top on the dessert such us pastry ice-cream and cakes
4. Can add in breakfast meals such as cereals .
5. Fresh peaches can blend with yogurt for smoothies 

2. Nectarine

Nectarine are similar to the peaches . Nectarine are smooth skin where peaches has velvety type skin .
It is introduced in after peaches it is new in Indian market.
Nectarines are claimed to be more aromatic, succulent, and sweeter than peaches, but they can also have a spicy "zing" aftertaste.
Nectarine are commercially grown in California, Washington, South Carolina, Georgia and Missouri.

Season : Nectarine season also start with peach April to June.

Taste and colour : Nectarine are more sweeter than peaches . Color of nectarine is red big size of nectarine looks similar to small apple.

Cultivation India: Nectarines are cultivated in regions of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.

Benefits of nectarine
1. It is good source of vitamin A and vitamin C .
2. It contains fibre, antioxidants to deter chronic diseases.
3. It offers the health benefits of beta-carotene for vision.
4. It decreases the risk of cancer.
5. It reduces body inflammation.

 Way to consume
It is similar to peach so it can consume like peaches.
1. Can eaten raw.
2. Can add to the fruits salads and grilled on BBQ.
3. Can top on the dessert such us pastry ice-cream and cakes
4. Can add in breakfast meals such as cereals .
5. Fresh peaches can blend with yogurt for smoothies 

3. Plums

Plums are known as Alu Bukhara in India. They are dark purple color.  Dried plum fruits are called "dried plums" or prunes. China and European union is the biggest producer of plums.
Indian plums are smaller in size as compared to Imported. 
Plums can found in different colours yellow purple and green.

Season : Plum season ranges from late April through June..

Taste and colour: The taste of the plum fruit ranges from sweet to tart. It can be yellow purple and green.

Cultivation in India: Plum are produced in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Jammu and Kashmir and Nilgiri hills on small scale .

Benefits of Plums
1. The vitamin C in plums helps your body heal, build muscle , and form blood vessels.
2. Plums are considered a top antioxidant .
3. They boost your complexion, aids hair growth, and relieves constipation.
4. Plums also contain a good mix of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, which ensures blood clots normally.
5. Plums and prunes are a good source of fibre and have been shown to reduce adiponectin levels. Both characteristics may benefit blood sugar control.

Way to consume

1. Poach plums in a red wine and serve with lemon zest.
2. Prunes make a delicious addition to poultry stuffing.
3. Can eaten raw.
4. Can top the desserts.
5. Can consume dried as known as prunes which can add to the cereals.

4. Avocado

It is the most consumed exotic fruit in India . Known as makhan phal.
It has smooth and buttery pulp in inside. When it harvested it is green in colour . When it ripes its green colour change to black. Avocados  are rich in vitamins and minerals. Avocado is a subtropical tree and grows very well in semihumid climate. Mexico produced 34% of the world supply of avocados in 2017.

Season : July to September is the main season of avocados but you can get throughout year due to the Indian climate conditions.

 Taste and colour : It has neither sweet or sour taste . It has mellow butter taste .when it is raw it is green in colour when ripened it get black or purple colur.

Cultivation in India: It is tropical plant it is cultivated in Kerela , Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Sikkim and Maharashtra.

Benefits of Avocados
1. Avocados has around 20 types of vitamin and minerals, including potassium which helps in controlling blood pleasure, lutein good for eyes and folate repairs cells during pregnancy.
2. It is High in fat but that is good fat . It is monosaturated fat which control bad cholesterol.
3. It has plant chemicals that may help prevent cancer.
4. Avocados help in boosting fertility and better the chances at conceiving too.
5. Avocados are loaded with fibres that may help prevent constipation, boost digestion and colon health.

Way to consume

1. Make fresh avocado smoothies
2. Can add to the salads,
3. Can add to the toasts.
4. Avocado dips with nachos chips 
5. Can be eaten ripe  avocado  with  salt and lemon juice.

5. Cherry

Cherries are small stone fruits that come in a variety of colors and flavors.
They are grown at high altitudes it requires chilling temperature. Turkey , USA , Iran are the highest cherry producing country. They most consumed raw or in dessert.
In India, cherry commercial cultivation is carried in the states of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh due to suitable climate.

Season: The cherry harvesting season begins from mid-May and lasts up to the first week of July.

Taste and colour: It has sweet , tart and sour depends on type of cherry.

Cultivation in India : In India Kashmir is highest producing state . Himachal , uttrakhand and Uttar pardesh also producing cherries.

Benefits of Cherries
1. Cherries are highly nutritious and packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
2. Cherries are also a good source of fibre which helps keep your digestive system.
3. Cherries are high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which may reduce chronic disease risk and promote overall health.
4. May Lower Risk of Cancer.
5. The flavonoids and anthocyanins in dark-colored cherries help protect the brain from oxidative damage.

Way to consume
1. Can be eaten raw.
2. Can top on dessert such pastry and cake.
3. Cherry juice to sparkling water and top with a lemon wedge for a fun mocktail.

6. Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is common in India market now days.  The names pitahaya and pitaya  derive from Mexico . It has cactus type plant . Commercial plantings can be done at high density with between 1100 and 1350 plants per hectare. Plants can take up to five years to come into full commercial production, at which stage yields of 20 to 30 tons per hectare can be expected.
Auroch Agro Products Pvt Ltd of Mumbai is the largest grower of Dragon Fruit in India.

Season : June to September is main season of dragon fruit in India

Taste and colour : there are three variety of dragon fruit in which yellow is more sweet then red and white dragon fruit.

Cultivation in India: Indian states Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Orissa, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands have already taken up its cultivation.

Benefits of Dragon fruit
1. Dragon fruit has low calories but high in vitamins and minerals.
2. It has high antioxidants which may prevents from heart disease and cancer.
3. Dragon fruit is a naturally low-calorie food, with most of the calories coming from carbohydrate. So it can be good diabetics.
4. The seeds present in the fruit are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for your well-being.
5. It helps in maintaining the blood circulation in the body.

Way to consume
1. It can be consumed as is it.
2. It can be added to fruit salad.
3. Fresh smoothies can made with this.

7. Passion fruit

In India passion fruit are not common it can be found only supermarkets. It has purple colour and yellow pulp inside with seeds . It is sweet in nature. Passion fruit Flavored water and Ice cream  are common.
It grows in warm climates, including South America, Australia, South Africa, and India.

Season: Purple passion fruits are available throughout the year but major seasons of fruit availability are May-June and September-October.

Taste and colour: It has sweet taste. Purple and yellow colour two types of variety 

Cultivation in India: Nilgiris, Wynad, Kodaikanal, Shevroys, Coorg and Malabar as well as Himachal Pradesh and North Eastern States like Manipur, Nagaland and Mizoram.

Benefits of Passion fruit
1. It helps in boost in immune system.
2. It helps in regulating the thyroid activity in body.
3. It maintains the insulin level for the diabetics.
4. Rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.
5. Good for skin because of presence of antioxidants in passion fruit.

 Way to consume
1. Pulpy juicy seeds can be eaten as is it.
2. Make juice from pulps.

8. Strawberry

Strawberry is common fruit in Indian market , people are selling on road during season. It has long season . Nowdays it is cultivated across India . But best region is known for strawberry is Mahabaleswar, Maharashtra, It has large family found in many colours  like red, white, pink, etc. It has good aroma and sweetness . USA is the highest strawberry producing country.

Season : Mid January to April.
Taste and colour : It has sweet taste found in different colour bright red , white , pinky etc.

Cultivation in India : Mahabaleshwar, Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir.

Benefits of strawberry
1. Strawberry has good amount of fibre and low carbohydrate so it doesn’t effect on blood sugar.
2. It is good source of vitamin c , folate, magnesium and calcium.
3. Strawberry has more than 20 different Anthocyanins which has several health benefits .
4. Strawberries may improve heart health, lower blood sugar levels, and help prevent cancer.
5. It helps in blood sugar regulations.

Way to consume 

1. Can make smoothies and shakes
2. Add to the different dishes
3. Can make dessert or top on cakes and pastries.
4. Can eaten as is it 
5. Can add to breakfast cereal or in fruit salad.

9. Persimmon

It is known as Japani phal or amlok in India. Its is mostly cultivation in Asian countries such as Japan. It has sweet and delicate flavour when it is ripened. Persimmons are eaten fresh, dried, raw or cooked. 

Season : Mid September to November.

Taste and colour : It has sweet taste and fruits are pale yellow colour.

Cultivation in India: It is growing in region of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand.

 Benefits of persimmon
1. Helps in weight loss.
2. The potassium in persimmons reduces blood pressure, while folate and vitamin C help prevent strokes and heart attacks.
3. The vitamin C and vitamin E content of persimmons also guards against oxidative damage.
4. Persimmons are high in potassium and beta carotene.
5. It is good for diabetics and hypertension.

Way to consume
1. Add into salad
2. Can add into cereals
3. Can grilled with honey , lime and mascrapone cheese

10. Rambutan

Rambutan is tropical fruit native from southeast Asia. It has hairy skin white litchi skin inside.
It looks attractive. Thailand is the largest producing country. Rambutan is adapted to warm tropical climates, around 22–30 °C, and is sensitive to temperatures below 10 °C.[
ICAR   developed 2 variety of Rambutan.

Season : May to September

Colour and taste : Rambutan found in red and yellow colour. lt looks like litchi from inside it has white hairy ski. It has sweet taste.

Cultivation in India: Rambutan cultivation is limited to some parts of Southern states like Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

 Benefits of Rambutan
1. It helps in reducing in body fat.
2. The fruit contains copper which is  important for the creation of white and red blood cells.
3. It improves sperm quality.
4. It lowers cholesterol.
5. It is best skin and hair care

Way to consume
1. Can eaten raw when ripe.
2. Can add to the fruit salad.
3. Can add to the cereals.

11. Mangosteen

It is also like Rambutan but it is purple in colour white pulp inside.
It has good aroma and taste . Mangosteen is tropical fruit and it must be grown in consistently warm conditions. Most cultivated in south east region of Asia like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia etc.

Season: April to June, and during the monsoon season from July to October it harvested twice a  years.

Color and taste : It has purple colour white flesh inside. It has sweet taste.

Cultivation in India: It tropical plant so it grown humid hilly areas of Nilgiri, district of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Benefits of mangosteen
1. It boost immune system.
2. Helps in weight management.
3. It regulates blood sugar.
4. It is good for skin because it has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
5. Good source of fibre hence helps in digestion.

Way to consume.
      Best way to peel it and directed consume.

12. Durian

It is also southeast Asian fruit but rare in India. You didn’t found in India easily.
There are 30 variety from 300 which is edible. Durian looks same like Jack fruit it has white flseh inside . Skin has hard spikes which can hurt you. During handling durian you should be careful.
It smells like hell, so it banned in public transport.

Note : it should be consumed from after expert perception.

Season: September to November.

 Taste and colour : It is combination of sweet, savory and creamy, it green is colour during ripening it become brown.

Cultivation in India: Duiran is rare in India. Researches on durian taking place. In western ghat place in burliar where 6.25 hectare farm of durian is there.

Benefits of Durian
1. Durian can make you happy because it contains amino acid tryptophan which make you feel happy and relaxed .
2. It make you sleep better.
3. It is rich in minerals which is good for bones.
4. It helps in regulating blood pressure.
5. It helps in energy boosting.

Way to consume
1. You can feel it carefully and have it just like jackfruit.
2. Can make chip from fresh.
3. Can make fruit salad with other tropical fruit.

13. Soup soup

Sour soup has different names such guyabano,guanabano and cherimoya but In India it is known as Lakshman Phal.It also look like jackfruit or Durian but small in spike and dark green in colour. It has average size 2kg.  also grown in parts of Southeast Asia and is abundant on the Island of Mauritius. Main producer are Mexico , Peru, Brazil etc. It has so many medicinal properties .

Season : April to October

Taste and colour: It taste combination of strawberry and apple with contrast of creamy texture. It had aroma like pineapple it is green in colour with small spikes on it.

Cultivation of Sour soup in India : Tamil Nadu , kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka state's subtropical region 

Benefits of sour soup

1. It has anticancer properties it can help in killing cancer cell.
2. It can help in killing bacteria
3. It may help in treatment of herpes.
4. It can help in reducing blood sugar.
5. It has inflammation properties.

Way to consume
1. It is typically eaten raw by scooping it.
2. The pulp is also used to make fruit nectar, smoothies & fruit juice drinks.

14. Apricot

Apricot are known khubani in hindi. Wild apricot known as zardalu in India.It has orange colour black seed inside. It also drupe like nectarine, peach plum and cherry. Turkey is the largest apricot producing country. In India apricot is consumed in form of dry fruit.

Season : July to October

Taste and colour : It is sweet and mellow in taste and it has orange colour.

 Cultivation in India: It is cultivated in hilly areas of Jammu and Kashmir, himachal pradesh, uttrakhand and Uttar Pradesh.
 Benefits of Apricot
1. It is good source of vitamin A and vitamin C.
2. It has good amount of antioxidants.
3. Apricots are an excellent source of beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamins C and E.
4. Apricots are good source of soluble fiber.
5. It may protect your liver.
 Way to consume
1. Can make different dishes with apricot.
2. Can eaten as it is .
3. Can add to the salads.
4. Can eaten in the form of dry fruit.
5. Can saute with cinnamon.

These exotic fruit has good value in form business or health and Nutrition. People will know about these local exotic fruit

How is it related to agribusiness
Farmer can grow this fruits in their area with the help of local Agriculture Department or Agricultural colleges you generate more many then regular crop.
They will give complete guidance.

It is one time investment. It has more commercial value then any crop. You can earn till 1500kg .
Person who wants to the business of fruit it best option they can purchase the fruits from farms directly to the cultivators.
Or they can contact to wholesale dealer. Through IndiaMART they can order from any place in India. And can generate good money because these fruits are only available with big cities and their market.
Retail fruit vendor can also earn good amount from this.

Hence it will help in every class of people whether they are consumer or dealers.
This is good for startup for urban or rural for business.

As I already mentioned people hesitate to buy exotic fruits whether it’s Indian or imported because of its price , taste , orgin and lack of information about its nutrition, but I will say that you should  try atleast once . Supermarkets in India such as Foodhall, Nature’s Basket,Big bazar, Hypercity, Reliance Smart, Moder Bazar, E- commerce Amazon etc having all range exotic fruit. These store has can designated staff who can guide you about fruit , they can give complete information about fruits .
Even they can share  some good food recipes or best way to consume it.


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